# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

## [] - 2023-09-07
### Added
- When closing Action Creator and actively recording, the program warns me if I really want to close the window.
- Obsidium x64 1.8.0 (build 4) new protection update
- New Medialooks SDK
- FFmpeg 6.0 update
- Multi-preview performance refactoring
- CPU usage 4K files decoding improvements
- BlackMagic 12.5.1 update
- File recording and network streaming improvements
- Decoding and seeking improvements
- ClicOne manifest signed by DigiCert Code Signing SHA256RSA key
### Fixed
- Some settings were moved to separate file to avoid overwrite settings after update.
### Removed

## [] - 2023-03-16
### Added
- Sorting players by number is now in Action creator meno. It was assigned with click on empty sapce on player grid which was not good.
- Recording score allways keep Home team on left side. Even you change team position in Action creator, recording will show score as HOME:AWAY
- New DevExpress component update to version 20.1.16
- Added Log4net logger for detailed error handler
### Fixed
- Recording score was not refreshed when you created or opened game in Action creator.
- Period was not refreshed when you created or opened game in Action creator.
### Removed
- Removing non used DLLs

## [] - 2023-01-21
### Added
- New graphics components, you can add Text and also draw curves point by point not only with free hand drawing,
- You can set overlays for logo and texts separately for presentation and also for exported reencoded videos,
- You can Reencode marks also with text overlay (Team, Action, Note, Subaction, Period, IceTime),
- You can record video with overlay Period and IceTime but also with Game Score,
- License is periodically checked on internet. 
- New form for create marks from videos files. You can add multiple video files in different folders and create playlist based on list of videos.
- New form for atttibutes Note, Subaction and Players On Ice in Action creator. This new form allows you to enter some attributes prior new mark is created. For example you can add player number and than press button FACE-OFF. Player number will be assigned to specific attribute when mark is created.
- New form for create pivot table with marks summary.
### Fixed
- Program starts correctly on new installed computer. problem with KERNELBASE.dll,
- Incorect detecting getTrialDays,
- Incorrect user settings for assign IN and OUT KeyCode.
- Change file for MQTTT and Serial communication. MQTT remeber settings also after program update.
- Save marks command in Action Creator sometimes replaced current opened file in Presentation.
### Removed
- Remove languages RU,SK,PL,CZ. Application is in English language only.

## [] - 2022-09-18
### Added
- New graphics components, you can add Text and also draw curves point by point not only with free hand drawing.
- You can Reencode marks also with drawings. You can set pause seconds for drawing will be paused.
- You can add Image mark from SnapShot image or create mark from any image (JPG, PNG)
- New Medialooks SDK (Encoding speed improvements: 15% faster, solved problem with Interlacing recording)
- Settings dialog has new options and allow to connect Remote WINT Phidgets devices also with WIFI and not only with USB
- In Action creator, there is a new button for quick send selected marks to bench (coach's tablet). You can also use shortcut CTRL+Q
- New confirmation message YES/NO when user click on reload button in action creator and aslo in presentation.
- Program is now saving Interlace setting. Interlace setting is restored to last saved option when program starts.
- Alert message when reencode action longer than 120sec is now set to 600sec.
- When program starts, it check difference between local computer time and time UTC from http://worldtimeapi.org/. It is important to have both time synchronise when using web action creator.
- Recording allows to put period and ice time to recorded video file.
- New DevExpress component update to version 20.1.15
- In recorder, there is a new setting for output video Scale Type.
### Fixed
- Reencode action ends incorrect when start point of action was begining of the video.
- Reencode action ends incorrect when end point of action was behing total video length.
- Action button No.9 does not show Edit Dialog in some cases.
### Removed

## [] - 2022-02-17
### Added
- New CTRL+F4 shortcut to enable/disable keyboard shortcuts for action buttons in presentation
- Settings dialog has new parameters for MQTT Web Remotre Action Creator
- Settings dialog has new parameters for FTDI Serial Remotre Action Creator
- Settings dialog has new options to define shortcut keys for mark IN and mark OUT. Default shortcuts keys are / for IN and * for OUT
### Fixed 
### Removed

## [] - 2022-02-17
### Added
- In Action creator, you can export marks summary to CSV or XLSX file
- New Medialooks SDK
- New Phidgets drivers for Remote Control
### Fixed 
### Removed

## [] - 2022-01-04
### Added
- There is a new parameter in setting. You can set parameter "Action list in filter from file". It means that action list in filter window will be allways based on action stored in actual opened game file.
- Behaviour change of slow motion slider in presentation.
- Export selected actions as csv file format for Dartfish.
- New Medialooks SDK Significant improvements to overall stability and seeking operations, BMD drivers updated to 12.2 version
- If your video is in interlaced type, you can set deinterlace mode in status bar in presentation 
  "auto" - automatically detects interlacing type
  "top" - uses top-field-first type
  "bottom" - uses bottom-field-first type
  "progressive" - uses progressive type
  "inverse" - inverts the field order
  "field" - uses just one field of a frame
- MQTT Mosquitto client/server allow to send created mark imediatelly to mobile device coach’s challenge application. This feature can be enabled/disabled in setting.
- If recorder is active in Action Creator, you can double click on mark and use Quick Player to play mark imediatelly. All keyboard shorccuts for playbeck work the same way as in Presentation. Also you can use Shutle V2 Pro to control playback.
- Added serial port communication to receive actions from remote controls. 
### Fixed 
- Playback speed rate was incorect in presentation.
### Removed

## [] - 2021-08-14
### Added
- Reencoded generate video file name can contain also Note
### Fixed
### Removed

## [] - 2021-05-26
### Added
- New DevExpress 20.1 SDK
- New Medialooks SDK Significant improvements to the overall stability of the video decoding functionality
### Fixed
### Removed

## [] - 2021-04-22
### Added
- New Video drivers for BlackMagic, now support BlackMagic Video Desktop ver. 12.0
- Significant improvements to the overall stability of the video decoding functionality
### Fixed
### Removed

## [] - 2021-01-12
### Added
- In Main form, there is a standard Control Box with cross button to close application.
- Update Autoupdater.NET component for automatic update to version 1.6.4
### Fixed
- (Presentation) Playlist is not open correctly when path to xml file contains special UTF-8 characters.
### Removed

## [] - 2020-12-19
### Added
- Main starting form has new menu components and items.
- (Presentation) In action Edit form, now you can quickly assign new video for video slot 1,2,3.
- (Presentation) Double click on video name in bottom left status bar allow to quick change video for current selected action and current video slot.
- (Presentation) You can define your own name for re-encoded video file. Just write  name of video file in Reencode form instead. 
- There is separate setting for last opened xml file for Action Creator and for Presentation. It means that you can open different xml i action creator and different in presentation.
- (Presentation) "Duplicate action" copy full action with all its attributes. It is exact copy. "Add action" create new action from actual video position and copy other atributes from action which is currently selected. 
- (Presentation) New top ribbon menu allow set Main Time and all three Synchro shifts for all selected action minus or plus 1 second. This is useful when creating action online with video and video recorder has some latency.
- (Presentation) When you hold down the key CTRL during playback, the video is not stopping even if there are stops defined.
- New Video SDK 2.4 brings lots of improvements in encoding and decoding. 
- (Presentation) There is a new menu in main Ribbon panel "Recent playlist". It allows you quickly open last five opened playlist.
- (Recorder) There is new live source "Windows Graphics Capture". You can capture specific application window, not only whole screen.
- (Recorder) There is a detailed information about current selected target volume disk drive for recording. It can help to prevent error writing when disk is full. 
### Fixed
- Diacritics is removed before saving new file like Marks, Playlists, Team rosters etc.
- In Main form, there is a function to create new playlist from list of video files. Now it creates new playlist instead of replace existing one.
- (Recorder) Length of recorded file sometimes show wrong time.
- (Presentation) Save and restore filter condition does not work correctly in some cases.
- (Action Creator) Recording time shows "Recording is not active" even recording is still in progress.
### Removed
- (Presentation) Shortcut CTRL+LEFT MOUSE CLICK on playlist in action content menu does not open playlist. This shortcut was removed and it was replaced with new menu "Recent playlist".

## [] - 2020-10-12
### Added
- (Recorder) Recorder is now checking if recorded file allready exist. If yes, than information message will appear. You can overwrite file or let program to generate new file name for you.
- Application Error log now contain also information about customer, just to easy recognize and contact customer
- License form now contain button Check License. You can remotelly check your license based on your computer System ID. If there is a new valid license, you can copy License Key and paste it to License for and activate new License Key.
- License form now contain button get from Internet. You can remotelly get your valid License key from internet and activate it automatically based on your System ID. 
- New Video SDK 2.3.1 brings lots of improvements in encoding and decoding 
### Fixed
- Subaction string is now trimmed to avoid space on the begining. It was problem with sorting.
- (Presentation) Fixed problem with key F3. When Enable keyboard shortcuts was checked, than F3 key activated Find panel
- (Presentation) Fixed problem when swapping teams. If action was linked to my team, than action was not assigned correctly to my team.

## [] - 2020-09-01
### Added
- (Recorder) New button "Reload Video Devices" to refresh avaiable video sources. It works with H.264 Pro Recorder. It does not work with native Black Magic Devices like UltraStudio Mini Recorder
- (Presentation) Filter form now remember and restore last state of checkbox Filter Actions and Fileter Players
- (Reencoding) New informational text showing numbers of error during writing process to new file
- When Actions.xml, Subaction1-20.xml or Hotkeys.xml files are corrupted, than wrong files are renamed to .error and new XML files are created automatically
- When XML\TeamsRoster\TeamRoster.xml file is corrupted, than wrong file is renamed to .error and new XML file is created automatically
- All Subactions0-20.xml files was moved to XML\Subactions\ folder 
- (Action Creator) New Team roster layout, bigger players buttons and bigger font for better reading and using with touch screens
- (Action Creator) Bigger subactions buttons and bigger font for better reading and using with touch screens
- New directory data\backup\ is used for all opened games or playlists. Every opened xml file is copying first to backup directorie with prefix YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS. This allow user to go back and fine all changes if something went wrong. All files in backup directorie are automatically deleted when older than 7 days.
- New document with program Shortcut Keys (\Utility\ListOfHockeyAnalysisShortcutKeys.pdf)
### Fixed
- (Presentation) Moving frame by frame does not work correctly when NVIDIA GPU Decoding is ON
- (Reencoding) Fixed problem with different audio chanels when reencoding videos from diferent surces
- Small bugs fixed
### Removed
- There is no more 35 players in roster. There is 25 players in each Team roster.

## [] - 2020-08-19
### Added
- (Action Creator) Save Video Live source device is stored in application settings and restore automatically.	
- (Action Creator) Predefined video and audio recomended codec, bitrate and GOP for best recording result.
- (Action Creator) Preview recording screen has now lower quality to keep performance for recording.
- (Action Creator) Sound indicator is now independent from recording to keep highest recording performance. 
- (Action Creator) Update statistic counter was changed from miliseconds to times per seconds (it can be set from 1 time per second to 10 times per second). It shows live device statistic and recording statistic and also sound meter indicator and it is independent from recording to keep recording performance.
- All settings for BlackMagic H.264 ProRecorder is now stored locally in \DLLs\Local.Config.xml
### Fixed
- (Action Creator) Updated DLL for BlackMagic H.264 ProRecorder
### Removed
- There is no more registry setting for H.264 ProRecorder after installation.

## [] - 2020-08-11
### Added
- (Action Creator) You can click on column header in action grid and choose columns. Than you can save grid layout. It will be restored automatically.	
### Fixed
- (Presentation) Drawing form does not reopen after closing. (HotKey for open/close - CTRL+G)
- Navigation menu items cuts button text if text is too long.

## [] - 2020-08-07
### Added
- There is a new field mX as uniq identificator for each action. It is mandatory to keep each action as uniq just to avoid problems when copying action to different playlists.
- You can set transparent 32bit PNG image as your personal club's logo. This logo will be visible on main starting for on right bottom corner. Ideal size for PNG image is 600x300px. But if you have image like square, than image will be adjusted to be fit on right bottom corner.
### Changed
- (Presentation) All stops marks and drawing in each action are stored inside XML file with actions. It means that you can save action as new playlist, copy to another playlist and all related stops and drawing are copied also.
- (Presentation) In drawing form, there is a transparency slider. It's last value is saved and restored automatically for solid objects like circle, triangle and rectangle.
### Removed
- (Presentation) Removed option to select own name for exported JPG or PNG snap shot images. Name of images are created automatically.